Turns out, that car or truck you thought was out of reach may not be. It all depends on your credit score. A quick look at your credit score range lets you know exactly how much car you can afford. You’ll even see what you can borrow and what your monthly payments will be.
APPLY FOR YOUR CREDIT SCORE RANGEDid you know that the interest rate you pay on your car loan ... your monthly payments ... and the cars you can afford are ALL determined by your credit score range? This is one score you need to learn ASAP.
Wouldn’t it be amazing to know your interest rate before you pick a car? Your credit score range lets you in on that secret. When you know in advance, it eliminates surprises and lets you focus on the car you want.
Save your money; don’t pay for a credit report. We have you covered and will help you navigate the next steps.
Your credit score is what lenders primarily use to determine whether or not you are creditworthy for a loan.
Apply for a free credit score range at Castle Auto Sales and find out what interest rate you're looking at fast!